Changing screen resolution

Kent Nyberg nyberg.kent at
Sun Apr 10 18:02:03 UTC 2005

sön 2005-04-10 klockan 12:51 -0500 skrev thephotoman:
> I'd like to be able to get a higher screen resolution than the default 
> 1024x768, but I cannot seem to remember the configuration file I need to 
> edit to do this.  I also do not want to run dpkg-reconfigure, as that 
> will cause more problems than it will solve (it's a laptop, so I won't 
> get my touchpad or keyboard after I do such a thing).
> Can anybody help me?

The file to change is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf     use "sudo nano
xorg.conf" in that directory to edit it.  Or perhaps run gedit or any
other editor of choice. In the future it should be able to probe
resolutions from screens (i think thats what it does now, but some
monitors, old once, dont support it.) You can later change between
working resolutions in System->Pref..

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