Ubuntu on ICE
baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Apr 10 16:40:29 UTC 2005
On 10/4/05 3:42 am, "Colin McDermott" <colmcd at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> Dear ubuntu list
> I am thinking of creating a low end distribution of ubuntu espeshilly
> for using low end pentium 2's. Sure there is bino's guide. But I plan on
> making a proper iso and do a proper desktop via Icewm and Idesk (though
> dfm was really tempting). I also plan to taylor it for people who are
> new to linux so thereby I will try to minimise the learning curve to the
> users.
If you go for this I know a number of people who would welcome it. I work
for a group that takes donated computers, mostly PII's with 3 gig HD 64meg
ram, refurbishes them and makes them available for people who could not
otherwise afford a computer.
We have been looking into using Linux as the installed OS, because of the
Microsoft license problem, and the good, 'free' software users can get.
What's been holding us back is the problem of getting a usable Linux install
on such low-end pc's.
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