[off topic] Linux on laptop and all FLOSS?

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Sun Apr 10 11:45:59 UTC 2005

> There's been quite a bit of discussion on PPC/Mac laptops but
> everyone's missed the obvious:
> <http://www.yellowdoglinux.com>.
Even yellowdog can't do any magic. Believe me.

> so Mac OS X runs at 90-95% native speed
> for everything but video acceleration).
and everything else that OSX can but Linux can't (see below)

> The only issue is that the internal Airport Extreme card is not
> supported,
+ video (acceleration)
+ sleep suppport
+ brightness support (on nvidia powerbooks)
+ touchpad (on the newest powerbooks)

>  but any old PC(MCIA) card will work for wireless.
If you don't decide to buy a 12" powerbook, or any iBook, which don't
have any pcmcia slots.

That said, I still love my 12" nvidia pb ;)

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