Windows partition desktop icon disappearing

Nicolas da Luz Duque hot_boy at
Sun Apr 10 09:28:55 UTC 2005

Le samedi 09 avril 2005 à 23:35 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez a écrit : 
> I finally got it working. You have to mount your partition under /media,
> not under /mnt . Or maybe leave them under /mnt but create symlinks
> under /media. Looks like if you want any device/partition to appear in
> the "Computer" location or the desktop, you have to put in /media. /mnt
> won't work.
> --
> Vince

Thanks! It finally works. A interesting thing is that I changed my fstab
to mount it on /media/windows but adding back the '/' before 'dev/foo'.
And it still wouldn't work. I told myself this was stupid but I could
try to delete the '/' again, and that did the trick.

So the complete solution for me is deleting the '/' before 'dev/'in the
fstab AND mounting the partition in media

Nicolas da Luz Duque

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