Ubuntu on ICE

Lindsay judenlinz at orcon.net.nz
Sun Apr 10 04:22:30 UTC 2005

No tips Colin, but commendable idea.  What will set as a base minimum -
32mb RAM?

On Sun, 2005-04-10 at 12:42 +1000, Colin McDermott wrote:
> Dear ubuntu list
> I am thinking of creating a low end distribution of ubuntu espeshilly 
> for using low end pentium 2's. Sure there is bino's guide. But I plan on 
> making a proper iso and do a proper desktop via Icewm and Idesk (though 
> dfm was really tempting). I also plan to taylor it for people who are 
> new to linux so thereby I will try to minimise the learning curve to the 
> users.
> Any tips?
> If I were to make it would I be able to get the iso on the website? I 
> plan on using hoary as the base (only because of xorg).
> Colin McDermott
> 0415 230 980
> Supervisor
> Reboot computer refurbishing.

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