DNS (Re: Distrowatch.org is down ???

Philippe Landau lists at mailry.net
Sat Apr 9 22:49:42 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>>My cable modem uses DHCP so the DNS IP's are automatically set.
>>>they are and
>>query them by hand for distrowatch.com, using dig/nslookup
> Thanks, interesting command :-) 
> It does indeed fail to figure out distrowatch, built instantly figures
> out www.google.com or any other site. 
dig @ google.com
gives me a timeout.
maybe they restrict access ?

> What is puzzling me, is how distrowatch has suddenly disappeared from my
> ISPs DNS database, like some IT technicial there, removed it by hand or
> something, it' svery strange to say the least. If it still doesn' twork
> in a few days, I will e-mailmy ISP to let them know, and ask for an
> explanation...
a good ISP updates its DNS at least once a day, better twice.
dig @e.root-servers.net distrowatch.com
dig @e.gtld-servers.net distrowatch.com
dig @ns1.mydyndns.org distrowatch.com
starting at the top, each server should point you at the
next authoritative in the DNS hierarchy:
gtld severs are responsible for the com domain,
dyndns for distrowatch.

>>the business world is not efficient, it is mainly corrupt.
>>can you imagine, after all those years, there is again
>>DNS cache poisoning going on in significant quantity,
>>meaning businesses are still using broken DNS software
>>when good opensource and secure alternatives are around since years ...
> Ohhh :o( If I do e-mail my ISP, I will also ask them what DNS software
> they use then... if it's open source or not.
you know the dinosaur of DNS is Bind,
and while they are open source, their earlier versions
were quite insecure, and they behaved like high priests.

>>your honesty is precious, rare and encouraging, Vince :-)
> I felt so guilty, that I downloaded it again to share it. I will leave
> it uploading for a few days, to compensate for the extra/second
> download...
> Upstream BW is only 128Kbps (about 15KB/s), but if I keep only 5KB/s for
> myself, internet and e-mail still work about normally, so no harm. This
> leaves 10KB/s for the Ubuntu community... better than nothing :o)
> My ISP really suck, they give me 1Mbps downstream, but only 128Kbps
> upstream, that a 1:8 ratio ! I am not sure if the reasons for tis severe
> limitation are technical or commercial, but if they are commercial, I
> hope they will soon improve this ratio ! :-/
> But 1:8 is the best they offer... the worse is if you subscribe to their
> 20Mbps package...upstream is still only 256Kbps, meaning a up/down ratio
> of 1:80 !!! :-O
interesting question.
i was thinking it is political, to limit file sharing.
does someone here know how much uploading costs providers ?

kind regards     philippe

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