Hoary, Acroread doesn't work...

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sat Apr 9 21:29:35 UTC 2005

> This is not a troll! This is a question!
> What's the purpose in using adobe acrobat reader when xpdf (or gpdf)
> does the job? Is it even free software?

As we have just discussed in a very recent thread, the two main problems
(at least for me) with gpdf are :

1) Printing doesn't support odd/even pages (unless the printer's driver
natively support it, which it doens't in my case apparently)

2) No (easy/GUI) way of selecting/extracting/copying pics and text

But other than this, gpdf is lovely, so I hope they will implement these
features for Breezy, so we can give up non-Gnome apps completely.


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