Old machine install query

squareyes squareyes at optusnet.com.au
Sat Apr 9 01:19:15 UTC 2005

azz wrote:

>There is no prebuilt cd with the packages on them.  If you do not have
>internet access, it is complictaed to download the packages from
>elsewhere and transfer them.
Hi azz,
I am running Warty fine, have access to internet, and can write to CD.
The old machine I want to install the basic system on using icewm does not.
I just wondered if I could download packages and write to CD then 
apt-get install from
the CD on his machine. Could always take my external modem to his 
machine and
use my ISP I suppose. Will check my box of phone cables.Having the 
packages on CD would be
handy if I ever needed to re-install for him, he is getting on in years 
and I don't see him ever
upgrading his machine. Not sure if his machine could take anymore than 
the 64 meg of EDO ram,
would be very expensive anyway, apart from the fact he is very attached 
to it, it's almost an
honor to be allowed to install something on it. I doubt he will ever get 
internet access, worried
about it getting corrupted, bit like being over protective of a teenage 
The things that an old 166meg machine can do will never cease to amaze 
him, let alone
progressing to a 3 gig one.
Thanks again for the help.
Take Care


Great to see the festive spirit in the air regarding the release of Hoary,
The Pope, and the Royal Wedding have made the news, where's the Hoary 
coverage? :-)
Congratulations everyone, if it's as good as Warty, your hard work was 
worth it.

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