The Pull of Ubuntu

Karl kaha at
Fri Apr 8 05:22:56 UTC 2005

Or beep-media-player (which I happen to prefer).

On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 06:45 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > 2. I don't want to leave multimedia (in my case, playing audio CDs and 
> > MP3 files) behind simply because my dominant OS is now Linux. What are 
> > some concrete examples of bullet-proof apps for such tasks? What are the 
> > steps needed to enable MP3 playback on Ubuntu?
> ?? Huuuu, I apologize in advance for stating the obvious and probably
> misunderstanding your point but... if you just install XMMS, it will
> play MP3's and CD's (and retrieve track names off the net) just fine...
> takes 5 seconds to install...
> Sorry if I wasted your time...
> --
> Vince
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