everyday multimedia not supported in Ubuntu (Re: 3 days, from the release, 3 machines, a few issues.

Rainer Gutkas Rainer.Gutkas at kstp.at
Thu Apr 7 21:27:01 UTC 2005

that's really good news, can't await the time till thi plugin will be 
distributed ;-) and to the idea of wizards i gotta say that I personaly 
don't like wizards whe microsoft started this i turned away from windows 
and went to mac world, as nowadays i get forced into using wizards with 
macos x even more i get away from macosx. Why I don't? like them? 
Because they normaly don't do what I wan't them to do and normally make 
me feal like the dumb user of the great computer and in my opinion it's 
the other way round. I just want a computer as a tool that does what I 
want it to do and not a thing that tells me what I gotta do, which is 
normally the thing which wizards do!!! And by the way I like the way 
information is set up on ubuntu website. I found difficult issues 
described quite simple. I really do like this distribution the way it 
is... And I hope that it lives long, so I can enjoy using it an 
participating a long time... I really love ubuntu,... Rainer Message: 6 
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 11:54:56 -0700 From: Ryan Thiessen 
<ryanthiessen at gmail.com> Subject: Re: everyday multimedia not supported 
in Ubuntu (Re: 3 days from the release, 3 machines, a few issues. To: 
ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com Message-ID: 
<26f22bfe0504071154b42b11b at mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; 

>> if linux is to become a commonly used desktop system, then this would
>> have to become the case. i know that i personally enjoying the
>> tweaking and hunting that i do to make my machine what it is, but my
>> friends are put off by simply putting in the XP disc and rebooting
>> their machine to install it. i like this idea of a wizard-system,
>> except i would feel a little guilty having everything handed to me
>> (after several years in a linux world).

Related to this, instead of complaining to the busy Ubuntu developers
about a problem that is out of their control I sponsored work on the
totem-mozilla plugin.  Hopefully soon enough we'll be able to use
totem-xine and/or totem-gstreamer to watch videos in mozilla based
browsers like Epiphany and Firefox without having to rely on
unsupported and legally queasy (depending on your jurisdiction of
course) tools like mplayer.  According to the developers, they are
making significant progress with this and will likely be included in a
future Totem release.

At that point we could hope to get it included with Ubuntu, and the
freely distributable codecs could work by default -- and if you have
the xine/gstreamer plugins you could watch nonfree media if your
jursidiction allows it.  So, the situation as is exists now is
admittedly imperfect, but hope is on the way... and shouldn't be too
much longer before we have a very good solution to this problem.

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