Easy way to go to hoary?

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Thu Apr 7 14:28:34 UTC 2005

Just take mine /etc/apt/sources.list (-> attachement) and overwrite
yours with it, you lazy hedgehog :P

-------------- next part --------------
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse

#deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main

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