rescuing system after MBR overwrite; root on EVM-ed ReiserFS / root on standalone ext3

Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) shot at
Thu Apr 7 12:09:52 UTC 2005


Thomas Kaiser:

> If you have your bootloader (grub) installed in the MBR, just save
> the MBR before you install windows. And put your backup MBR back
> after windows install has finished.
> I would do something like this:
> - Boot into Linux
> - dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1 -> save MBR to the curent 
> directory
> - install windows
> - after windows install is finished, boot from any live/rescue Linux
> - mount the partition where you put mbr.bin
> - dd if=/path_to_your_backup/mbr.bin of=/dev/hda
> - reboot and Linux should boot like it did before the windows install

A belated, but most sincere thanks.

I did `dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1`, copied the mbr.bin
file to a remote machine, installed Windows, booted from the Live CD,
downloaded the mbr.bin file and did `sudo dd if=mbr.bin of=/dev/hda`.
Much easier that all the fun with mounting filesystems and playing
with grub-install, IMHO.

Thanks again for setting me on the right track.

-- Shot
  In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret 'non-technical user' as meaning
  someone who's only ever written one device driver.           -- Daniel Pead
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