RT2400/RT2500 chipset WLAN cards work (Re: wireless cards & Linux)

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at web.de
Thu Apr 7 06:53:53 UTC 2005


I bought myself an ASUS WL-170g PCMCIA card and after a few hassels with 
all the drivers around for RT2500 chipset cards everything worked out 
smoothly: Downloaded the CVS driver on rt2x00.serialmokey.com, unpacked 
it, followed the readme (just install and copy the created module into 
the appropriate folder) and everything worked!

RaTech publishes its drivers OpenSource (or did I understood something 
wrong). Thumbs up! Even WPA is supported natively!

(that promotion had to be done now) ;)



Christoph Georgi
email.  christoph.georgi at web.de
fon.	+64 (0)9 815 8259

registered linux user #380268
ubuntulinux 4.10 (warty)

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