Backuppc uninstall problem

Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Thu Apr 7 06:15:00 UTC 2005

I know, I know---my mommy told me never to install from 
universe/multiverse without doing a little research.  But, of course, 
being the little "try everything out" type of kid I am, I felt a need 
to try out a package I knew nothing about.

Anyway, I insalled "backuppc" (version 2.0.2-6ubuntu1_all) from either 
multiverse or universe (not sure which one), and it is leaving things 
behind after an uninstall.  The only things I know it is leaving behind 
is the user "backuppc" (which is apparently created by the binary 
Now here is where I might have messed something up:   I decided that 
after uninstalling backuppc, the user wasn't needed any more and 
deleted it using the System Config apps.  Now there is a problem with 
synaptic installing packages though...  For example, when I try to 
update Gaim i get the following error:
>   Reading changelogs... Done
>   Preconfiguring packages ...
>   Failed to apply all changes!  Scroll in this buffer to see what went 
> wrong

Any ideas what is going wrong or what I can do to fix the issue?

thanis in advance for the help :)

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