everyday multimedia not supported in Ubuntu (Re: 3 days from the release, 3 machines, a few issues.

Ed Sutherland digital at twcny.rr.com
Thu Apr 7 03:19:23 UTC 2005

Kenton Brede wrote:

>Reality is, if you don't like the way
>something works in OSS, either learn out to tweak the config, or learn to
>program.  Demanding and complaining rarely works.  
I don't think the problem with OSS is lack of applications or 
programmers willing to do the job. I would love it if we could 
institutionalize some of these fixes we come upon while scouring Google 
or mailing lists or IRC chats into a script or app. I'm thinking along 
the lines of the script that downloads the MS truetype fonts and 
installs them all in one step -- boom -- you have MS fonts available. 
Many computer users (I count myself among that group) grew up either 
with a Windows or Mac operating system where we became used to giving up 
a little (either $$ in the case of Macs or security in the case of 
Windows) for the convenience of point-click-install-run simplicity of 
modern personal computing.


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