Converting an ex-Win GNUbie; advice/links?

Michael Hunt michael at
Wed Apr 6 14:53:02 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-06 Cybe R. Wizard schrieb:

> > A friend across the world (Perth/Bunbury, AU) is considering finally
> > trying, per my advice, a Linux.  Still per advice, he has chosen Ubuntu.
> > Besides the web site, forum, and this list, are there any ex-Win
> > GNUbie-specific links that any of you recommend?  He is particularly
> > daunted more by the "alphabet soup" of Linux programs' names, not so
> > much at the differing terminology.
> > 
> > Cybe R. Wizard

You could also point him to PLUG (Perth Linux User Group) where there are a number of ubuntu users who
would be happy to help him with any problems.


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