xserver-xorg breaks nvidia?

Fred Blaise chapeaurouge at madpenguin.org
Wed Apr 6 14:50:59 UTC 2005

same here. I temporarily reverted to the 'nv' driver.

On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 10:44 -0400, mat nicholson wrote:
> running 5.04rc and as of late, when a new xserver-xorg is 
> release/updated, i have to manually reinstall/configure the nvidia 
> driver because of a mismatch (the install nvidia-glx is looking for the 
> older version of xorg) its jsut anoying to watch teh system boot up try 
> to start x, then die and dump me at a prompt. anyone else experiance 
> this? any solutions? would it be possible to have teh xserver-xorg 
> package check for an existing nvidia install (maybe just grep xorg.conf 
> for it or something) and if found either reset up teh nvidia driver, 
> default back to nv and warn the user or maybe even give them a 
> menu/choice via debconf?
> i'd be willing to help and work on this, i woul jsut need direction, 
> seenig as how i have never working with packaging, but do have 
> programming/scripting experiance and am learning python in a production 
> development as we speak.
> thanks guys
> mat nicholson
> sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
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