[Hoary] Glade : quick newbie question

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Apr 6 05:03:11 UTC 2005

Never used Glade, just installed it from Synaptic, created a Gnome
Project, then in the "Palette" I clicked on "GTK basic" to create window
(I don't need a full app window, just a simple dialog window), then
clicked on the button object to.... add a button... ;-)

Problem : I was expecting to click the top-left corner then drag the
mouse to "draw" the button where I want it at the size I want it. BUT,
it won't let me do that. Instead, all I can do is click in the window I
created, and the button is created instantly and takes the ENTIRE space
available in the window !!! Just one huge big massive giant button
that's the size of the window... and no way to use the mouse to resize
it afterwards, it's etched in stone. If I look in the "porperties"
dialog, the button "should" have a "normal " size, but the reality is

Is this a bug or am I missing something ? I installed the Glad doc form
synaptic and read it, but it leads me to believe that it should work as
III expected, insted of the weird behaviour it shows in practice. 

Any help from a succesful Glade Haory user would be much appreciated...


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