F-Spot not working in hoary?
Bob D.
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Apr 5 22:09:21 UTC 2005
Just activate the Universe, Multiverse, and Marillat repositories as
explained here: http://ubuntuguide.org/temp/#extrarepositories
You'll see the new lines added in #4 under the topic I linked to, but
do read the entire topic before proceeding.
Once you've updated the sources.list, launch Synaptic. Click the
reload to have the headers downloaded from the new repositories. Then,
again in Synaptic, search and download on "F-Spot". Bada Bing, F-Spot
installed and working with no dependency or build problems.
There are other ways to accomplish this same task, but this one should
get you going fairly easily and painlessly.
Bob D.
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