Kernel Installation Bug

Matthew S-H mathbymath at
Tue Apr 5 04:12:48 UTC 2005

I just wanted to point out a little bug I've run into recently when 
installing kernels.
Each time a new kernel is installed, it replaces /boot/grub/menu.lst.
The bug is that it keeps changing the "root (hd1,0)" line into "root 
The problem here is that I have my Ubuntu installation on hd1, and it 
gives me an error and won't boot when this is changed.
The solution is to either boot off the liveCD or to manually type in 
boot parameters using grub's command line and then edit the menu.lst 

But this bug should not exist, if I am correct.  Am I doing something 
wrong, or have I just uncovered a bug?  And if so, should I file with 


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