My Coolpix 990 and gphoto2 won't play any more...

Neil Woolford neil at
Mon Apr 4 19:08:58 UTC 2005


I've a Nikon Coolpix 990, and want to download images to my Ubuntu machine 
under Warty.

I'm 90% sure I've done this sucessfully in the past, as I have images from 
the camera on the
computer, and there are no traces of them being downloaded via my (Windows) 

However, when I plug the camera into the USB port things don't work as I 
expect them too.

The camera appears as a USB device under HAL, and all looks correct 
there.  Gphoto kicks
off automatically, detects pictures on the camera and asks me whether I 
want to download them.
If I answer yes, then the process continues to the 'Import Photos' dialogue.

At this point things go wrong;

The software reports 'No camera detected' and appears to freeze while 
looking for a Nikon
driver.  And that is as far as I get...

The one oddity that I can discern is the lack of any Nikon drivers in the 
location that the program
appears to be searching


While checking the symptoms for this email, I left it for several minutes, 
whereupon it has 'found'
the camera and has downloaded the images from it.

But I'm still posting, as I think the process used to work quickly, as 
you'd expect rather than
taking several minutes.

What might be messed up in configuration?


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