Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Mon Apr 4 13:12:19 UTC 2005


As some of you have noticed, there has been a hickup in the Ubuntu wiki, 
with 2 days worth of updates seemingly going lost. Due to some serious 
inconsistencies in the Plone data file we had to rebuild the structures, 
and in the process the data was set back two days. The changes that were 
made in the meantime do exist in a backup and we will try to extract 
those today and tomorrow. We can get the data out, but it's value is 
obviously reduced as time passes and the current wiki is updated further.

If someone knows that they made major updates between Apr. 1st and Apr. 
3rd that are now missing, please email me and I will fish them out 
specifically and attempt to merge them in sensibly.

I am sorry for any confusion and inconvenience this will have caused.

- Henrik

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