Distrowatch and the Dev Team(s)

Russell Cook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Mon Apr 4 02:42:17 UTC 2005

Besides the Distrowatch numbers, which I think is great but is an
indicator of popularity not necessarily true functionality. Ubuntu, is
definitely the most usable Linux I've ever used and getting better
almost literally every day.

I'd like to thank the Developers and the community supporters for a top
effort. I did about 3 synaptic upgrades on the weekend (on 3 different
machines), nothing broke, Evolution is now very stable, and all on the
latest patches/packages are installed.

To do so many upgrades on pre-release code and have everything remain
working and stable is a tribute to the skills and commitment of the
teams working on Ubuntu.

Well done, and thanks everyone!!!

Kind Regards Russell

On Sun, 2005-04-03 at 15:56 -0400, LongTooth wrote:

> This is truly a monumental occasion! I too have used many -too many to
> remember- distros. But Ubuntu is the one that has captured my technical
> imagination as well as my soul. Crisp, clean, simple, functional and
> beauty to behold. 
> At one time I was a Fedora fan. Still a great distro. But Ubuntu has
> given us a product that makes the use of Linux - installing,
> maintaining, and tweating - a joy.
> And lets not forget this great community and all involved. Lets give a
> great big hand to Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu developers and you, the
> people that have made this distro what it is. 
> Ubuntu Rules!!!
> -- 
> LongTooth

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