Problems setting up a simple ftp-server
uid000 at
Fri Apr 1 13:28:30 UTC 2005
Probably don't need to mention this, but I'll say it anyway. Be very
careful setting up ftp especially if this is an internet facing
server. If you absolutely must enable ftp, the best way to do it is
to chroot it. Then enable anonymous ftp only. Be sure to have
seperate upload and download directories, with the upload being
write-only, and the download directory being read only. Then manually
transfer contents of the updload directory to the download directory
only after you have carefully screened everything. You don't want to
risk becomming a warez site or worse.
A better solution, is all your users are on linux or other unix, would
be to sftp instead. This uses the ssh-server (may require simple
install with apt). Setup is absolutely mindless. Literally as easy
as installing the ssh server with apt. Entire session, including
username/pw exchange is encrypted. User accounts are what ever users
are configured on your system. Each user's local filesystem
permissions apply. Any user with an ssh client (again any linux/unix
user for sure) can connect. Easy as sftp username at
All the standard ftp commands work: get, put, mget, mput, ls, cd, lls,
lcd, etc. Definitely easier than configuring ftp, and way easier than
configuring ftp securely.
Here's an informative article for more info:
Sorry this isn't a direct answer to your question, but I hope it helps, anyway.
Good luck
> Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 14:04:24 +0200
> From: Thomas Weholt <thomas.weholt at>
> Subject: Problems setting up a simple ftp-server
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Message-ID: <ffb7b7f80504010404431e21c5 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I need to set up a simple ftp-server. All I need is to have users log
> in using their normal login and password and be jailrooted into a
> ftp-directory like /home/ftp where they can read, write, delete files
> and folders etc.
> Did a sudo apt-get install proftpd and tried to edit /etc/proftpd.conf
> but I can't connect, not using anonymous or normal users.
> Does anyone have a simple config-file I could use to achieve this functionality?
> --
> Mvh/Best regards,
> Thomas Weholt
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