installation freeze on Dell Inspiron 8000

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Thu Sep 30 22:27:58 UTC 2004

I'm sorry but I won't be able to check the details of that until Sunday 
when the machine will (hopefully) be returned to me. It's currently on 
loan to a friend who is planning to get a new (or used, rather) computer 
in the next few weeks, and I'm trying to get her to skip Windows in 
favor of Ubuntu. She's a law student, and generally a basic computer 
user. I'll report the results of my experiment on Sunday :)  I can, 
however, tell you that I purchased the machine in December 2000, and 
have never updated the BIOS.


Kjell Eriksson wrote:

>     Hi, Henrik
> Whats your BIOS-version and do you have USB-legacy enabled in BIOS?
> I have BIOS A23(latest) and can only start install with "noapic nolapic"
> rgds Kjell

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