How to use a USB-based Palm?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Sep 30 20:21:14 UTC 2004

Hi Benoit!

On 2004-09-30 16:11 -0400, Benoit Caron wrote:
> How is one suppose to use a USB based Palm Pilot device (I have a
> Tungsten E)? 
> When I follow the dialogs in Pilot Settings, it offer me to use the
> port /dev/pilot, or a selection of /dev/ttyS[0-4], even if I use the
> "USB Type" radio selection. But the link /dev/pilot is not there, and
> there is no /dev/usb directory nor a /dev/ttyUSB[0-xx] like I have on my
> other "regular" Debian box (well... a Mepis bastardized from like 6
> months of apt-get-ing from Sarge).

I don't have such a device myself, but try loading the usbserial
module with

  'modprobe usbserial'

If that works, it isn't detected by hotplug automatically; you can add
the module name to /etc/modules in this case to have it loaded on
every boot.


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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