installation problem - grub hangs

Christian Schmitt christian at
Thu Sep 30 19:09:22 UTC 2004

Hi Frank,

could you please give any specs of your box (e.g. Mainbord/Chipset, etc.)



Frank Lynch wrote:

>FYI  - a simple upgrade of the machine bios resolved this issue.
>On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:20:29 -0400, Frank Lynch <frank.lynch at> wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>I just gave ubuntu a try. Downloaded the iso, burned a CD, poped it in
>>and started the installation process. All appeared to be going well,
>>it formatted the disk installed the ubuntu base system, then it wanted
>>to reboot the system. Upon reboot the system failed to come up. I
>>simply get a blank screen with the text "GURB" and a blinking cursor.
>>I am not able to input anything.. it appears that the boot loader is
>>hosed... Has anyone encountered anything like this before? Any ideas
>>as to how I can workaround or fix this?
>>Is it possible to use lilo in place of Grub?

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