mozilla-mplayer, quicktime

Bas van der Lei pubmail at
Thu Sep 30 06:08:36 UTC 2004



If you add the debian-marillat repository to your Ubuntu sources.list
(use unstable/main), you can use Synaptic or apt-get to install MPlayer,
lame, and other tools to deal with non-free formats like DVD and MP3.

These sources also have a working mplayer and mplayer-mozilla package.
You can find debian-marillat here:

On wo, 29-09-2004 21:07 -0400, Rob Diehl wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can find a working copy of the mplayer plugin
> for Mozilla? I am trying to configure Firefox so it is able to stream
> Quicktime movies from Apple's web site.


Bas van der Lei <pubmail at>
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