warty ppc switch from Airport to eth0 RJ-45

Derek Kinakin dkinakin at shaw.ca
Thu Sep 30 02:42:56 UTC 2004

Hi Jeb,

I'm no guru, but I believe I ran into a similar problem, here is some
advice that I got:

Have you looked in your /etc/network/interface file? If your wireless
card is eth0, you should have an entry for you internal network card
that looks something like:

iface eth1 inet dhcp
name Ethernet LAN Card

If not, you should add it. You should be able to activate and deactivate
your network devices from "Computer: System Configuration: Networking".
If this doesn't work open a terminal and manually activate the interface

sudo ifup eth1

you can deactivate using

sudo ifdown eth1

All of this assumes that your work network is setup for dhcp.



p.s. Does your ibook sleep and wake up o.k.?

On Wed, 2004-29-09 at 14:50 -0600, Jeb Bolding wrote:
> So, during installation of Ubuntu (PPC), I selected the Airport wireless 
> as my default network connection. Which is sweet at home. But, at work, 
> there’s no network wireless access point. How do I enable the RJ-45 jack 
> on my iBook so that Ubuntu will use that?
> jeb

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