NIC and SATA doesn't work on nForce Pro board

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Wed Sep 29 23:43:05 UTC 2004

On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 06:30:10PM -0400, Chris wrote:
> The network adaptor is not dectected.  The forcedeth driver seems to work 
> though.

Turns out to be this helpfully named driver:

> 0000:00:05.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 00df (rev a2)
> 0000:00:05.0 0680: 10de:00df (rev a2)

I've added this to the discover tables. Daily CD images as of 20041001
should detect forcedeth for you.

> The SATA controller is also not detected.  In the log I see messages about 
> NFORCE3-250 PATA controller but I don't see the normal NFORCE3-250-SATA 
> messages.

This controller (10de00e3) is in the discover tables, though. Could you
run 'discover --enable-all --module ide' on the second virtual console
in the installer?

Does 'modprobe sata_nv' work?


Colin Watson                                    [cjwatson at]

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