Ubuntu instalation problems

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Wed Sep 29 10:05:15 UTC 2004

Víctor de la Concepción wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have an error with the base-system every time I try to install 
> Ubuntu  in my Ahtec Signal X-9660M laptop: problems searching some 
> basic packages (initrd-tools last time).
> I have tried with distincts warty daily isos but I have the same results.

I know this is obvious but you have checked the iso's against the 
checksum?  If you are having problems with installation of packages that 
may point to a dodgy cd copy and if you have problems with different 
packages on different cd's that definately points to a dodgy iso image IMHO

> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Víctor

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