hello there again

hernandez nestor nesthor at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 29 04:06:58 UTC 2004

well I already installed ubuntu, but now I have a
I can browse the web, even the windows network,
I also can listen to the music, but there is another
things I want to ask you,
how do i install something, lets say SMB, or samba,
and how do I configure this server to be used as
X for another server,
I've tried the next

on the other server I wrote
setenv DISPLAY

the problem is that the other server responds when I
try to use for example XFIG
labci3% xfig
Error: Can't open display:

this IP is assigned dynamically by DHCP, do I have
to make anything else in the card or host
configuration, please respond as stupid as you can I
am really a newbie and my experience with linux is
sorry for taking your time,
thanks for reading.

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