How to recompile ubuntu kernel

Markus Kolb ubuntu-ml at
Tue Sep 28 21:30:00 UTC 2004

On 28.09.2004 22:59, Paco Ros wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm running kernel anf I'd like to compile a new one removing 
> some things I don't use and targetting P4 CPU to optimize.
> I've always compiled a kernel without initrd image, but I like very much this 
> way to load and unload modules (and I don't remember what options I should 
> compile into the kernel :-))
> How do you create these kernels with initrd images? I've found some info at 
> Google, but I don't know what I should put into a initrd image.

The image is built by a tool named mkinitrd.
So you have nothing to do here. Just include cramfs support in the 
kernel config so that the ramdisk is supported by kernel.

BTW do you need highmem support or why do you use the SMP-kernel?


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