draetsch draetsch at
Tue Sep 28 18:10:00 UTC 2004

Am Montag, den 27.09.2004, 21:52 +0200 schrieb Oliver Grawert:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 27.09.2004, 21:36 +0200 schrieb draetsch:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I tried to install blender but the system complains about the missing
> > of 
> if you are fine with blender v2.33 you should install it from ubuntus
> universe by synaptic or apt, this version resolves the dependencys of
> needed librarys.
> recognizing your email address, there is also a german ubuntu list,
> you'll probably like to join it ;-)
> ciao
> 	oli

Thanks for your reply Oli and thanks for the info about the german list.
I haven't known this before. A german list is great news :-)

The thing with the library is not so easy. There is no blender in the
repository. Are there other repositories? 

The second thing is, that it is not only blender but other progs as well
I need for work, so is there another way of getting the lib?


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