
Scott Dier dieman at ringworld.org
Tue Sep 28 05:04:01 UTC 2004

* Martin Maney <ubuntu at two14.net> [040927 23:42]:
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 11:07:04PM -0500, Scott Dier wrote:
> > * Martin Maney <ubuntu at two14.net> [040927 23:03]:
> > > another unintuitively hidden control panel!  <rhetorical>where *does*
> > > Gnome get its reputation for usability from?</rhetorical>), which
> > 
> > Usability, IMO, is a bit more about consistency than being intuitive --
> > there is no excuse for not wanting to read the documentation.
> Thanks for replying to the rhetorical question while ignoring the
> inconsistency described in another paragraph: two "Terminal" items (in

Perhaps I don't feel its inconsistent. :)  However thats more likely
because I understand whats behind Nautilus' root context menu and the
Applications panel menu.  I wouldn't expect the average user to, but if
the user is annoyed enough to change their default terminal, they aren't
the average user.

Scott Dier <dieman at ringworld.org> KC0OBS  http://www.ringworld.org/
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