Localisation plateform [was Re: french ?]

Francois Schoubben fsc at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Sep 27 08:19:51 UTC 2004

Regis wrote:
> --- Fred Blaise <chapeaurouge at madpenguin.org> wrote:
>>Je ne crois pas qu'il existe une mailing liste en francais.
> bientôt peut-être...  :-)
We're nearly as much as the german speaking :-)

I think they started whith a list dedicated to translation of the site. 
How many frenchspeaking people would join?

On another hand, for user support, i'm asking questions myself. For 
french speaking list, i'm on debian-user-french at lists.debian.org. What's 
the best? split the debian community or redirect new ubuntu users to 
debian mailing list ?
With the first, we're loosing a large part of expertise,
the second might be disturbing for newbies : having another name for 
help, and having questions on "stranges" things like sid, experimental, 
backports, ...

Any idea?

P.S. My spelling and expressions are better in french :-)

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