Fwd: burning ISO image

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at canonical.com
Sun Sep 26 04:20:26 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-25 at 23:07 -0500, Shawn Hansen wrote:
> That doesn't actually do what he is asking about though.  Sure you can
> burn the iso to disk from nautilus, but you aren't burning it as an
> image, you are just burning it as data.  For example, if you burn the
> knoppix iso to disc using nautilus, you are not going to get a
> bootable knoppix cd, you'll just have a cd with the knoppix iso file
> on it.

Context-click on the iso file and choose "Write to Disc..." -> this does
not write an iso9660 filesystem with an iso on it, it writes the image.

- Jeff

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