gedit filechooser box

Daniel Borgmann spark-mailinglists at
Fri Sep 24 21:59:24 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-25 at 03:49 +0800, John wrote:
> Daniel Borgmann wrote:
> > For me (Ubuntu Preview with all upgrades installed), the Filesystem
> > entry only appears when running gedit as root, which makes a bit of
> > sense. Gedit version is 2.8.0.
> Umm.
> Anyone can own files in /tmp and /var/tmp and I wanted /tmp which I 
> often use to exchange files between users. Files such as the XFree log 
> I'br blessed you all with in another post.
> Given how easy it is to get outside ~ with other tools, it seems pretty 
> pointless.

Yeah, that's why I wrote "a bit" of sense. ;) You can still open those
files easily using Nautilus, the location dialog or by invoking gedit
from the command line, so it's probably not a big deal but also is
somewhat illogical indeed.

Daniel Borgmann <spark at>

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