installation breaks installing kernel

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Sep 24 21:33:48 UTC 2004

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 10:10:34AM +0200, Ralf Saalmüller wrote:

> If anyone responsible is reading this, an iMac DV G3/400 has an ATI 
> Rage AGP Graphics with 8MB video RAM. Up to my  experience it does only 
> work with 15bit color depth and doesn't work with 24bits. Debian does 
> it right, Mandrake and Ubuntu failed and are trying to run X11 with 
> 24bit and need to be reconfigured. Perhaps you can adapt that. The iMac 
> G3 are doing very well with Linux and it would be a shame if Ubuntu 
> wouldn't run out of the box.

We would prefer to fix whatever problem prevents it from working correctly
at 24bit depth.  Can you elaborate?

 - mdz

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