NTFS config in fstab?

Nathaniel McCallum npmccallum at canonical.com
Fri Sep 24 18:12:49 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 21:04 +0300, Andy Jarvis wrote:
> Hi, Just a quick question from a lazy person: can anyone suggest a basic
> set of params to add in fstab to mount my NTFS /dev/hda1? If I can just
> read the data it would be something, to be able to write data back
> without corrupting anything (ahem) would be great. Thanks

You should be able to mount read only this way:
/dev/hda1	/media/windows	ntfs	ro	0	0

Obviously you'll need to tweak it a bit if your needs are differently.
NTFS writing is not currently stable and I don't think it is enabled in
our kernel, but I'm not 100% sure on that.


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