JVM and j2sdk

Wayne Sheehan waynes at ostalink.com.au
Thu Sep 23 04:22:33 UTC 2004

Dear List:

I searched through the available lists looking for information on Java 
and the Java SDK.  I just want to be sure that there is not already a 
DEB package(s) that I can use the apt-get install command or must I 
follow the instructions at 
I am new to Debian, a convert from RedHat :).  I am still coming to 
grips with the packaging system in particular as it applies in this 
document http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/DEV/Java+on+Debian.  Why do I 
need to install this

apt-get install kaffe equivs java-common java2-common, why cant I just do something like

apt-get install j2sdk1.4.deb?

Sorry if this is a stupid question :), as you can see I am use to RPM.

Regards Wayne

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