Login problem

Al Simcoe alsimcoe at alsimcoe.com
Thu Sep 23 03:01:12 UTC 2004

I decided to get brutal and edit the "XF86Config" file myself.
I found various things to tweak.

All is well now. Everything works just fine.

Thank you for your help and hope I can
come to you for assistance again!

Al Simcoe

On Sep 22, 2004, at 6:34 PM, Markus Kolb wrote:

> On 23.09.2004 00:02, Al Simcoe schrieb:
> [...]
>> On my 23 inch LCD screen, the desktop is in the middle of this rather 
>> large
>> screen and measures only:
>>     61/2 inches wide
>>     5 inches high
>> How can I get Ububtu or X to display at a lower resolution,
>> or, Fill my screen?
> First try to use the Gnome menu. There is "Computer" -> System 
> configuration -> Screen resolution/setting.
> I have German menu entries so I guess the English ones and maybe they 
> are not exact. But I think you can find it.
> There you can choose from resolutions X is configured with. You can 
> set the monitor frequency, too.
> If there is not the resolution for your LCD you have to reconfigure 
> the Xserver.
> For this run the console command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> You can just hit enter for the most questions. It will be used the 
> current configuration.
> You will be asked about the screen resolution for your Xserver again. 
> You can choose it with a [*] in front of them. The highest resolution 
> is first tried so take the one for your LCD as the highest.
> When you go on there will be the question for monitor frequencies. 
> Choose the right entries for your LCD.
> I hope I could help.
> Markus
> -- 
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"Life is"....... (a tribute).
Life didn't play fair for my Parents (Morris & Bella).
Yet, my Parents had so much that is good about "Life" in them.
They were Real people, living "Life" in a real world.
They will forever be on my mind. I miss them so!
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