xmms crash
Mark C
lists at funkypenguin.net
Thu Sep 23 02:17:54 UTC 2004
Clayton Anderson wrote:
> turnip:/home/dad# xmms
> libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This is the key, it cannot find a shared file, that xmms requires
If you are unsure of the program that supplies this file, a quick and
easy way is to go to
and under: 'Search the contents of packages'
nter that filename and change the Distribution to unstable or testing,
this will give you the deb that supplies this missing file,
then just apt get it, follow the links on the site to manually download
it and then run: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb or use synaptic.
Sorry, not sure of the command from the consle to find this out.
> I tried reinstalling to no avail. Can someone explain this error?
That will not cure it.
just run:
apt-get install libmikmod2
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