Sound issue

Clayton Anderson anderc at
Wed Sep 22 17:50:39 UTC 2004

Anton Paulic wrote:
> esound should take care of sound mixing in shouldn't require
> arts (arts is primarily kde, but of course you could use it if you want
> to)
> That being said, I just installed ubuntu yesterday and sound works fine
> with esound (so long as you install gnome-audio and update the gnome
> libs)
> On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 12:47 -0400, Crispian Thorne wrote:
>>Am I being really dumb here?
>>>crispian at ubuntu ~ $ artsd firefox
>>>bash: artsd: command not found
>>>crispian at ubuntu ~ $
>>On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 16:03 +0100, Colin Yates wrote:
>>>I believe artsd is the traditional way of solving this, i.e.:
>>>    artsd firefox
>>>assuming sound server *is* running.
>>>However, this is not particular friendly, and it wouldn't suprise me
>>>if ubuntu has a nicer way.
>>>On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 10:56 -0400, Crispian Thorne wrote: 
>>>>Great Distro!!!
>>>>I had the usual problem of no sound until I opened Volume Control &
>>>>turned it up, but now something new has cropped up- sound was working
>>>>fine in Firefox until I turned on "Enable sound server startup" &
>>>>"Sounds for events" (I have some Homestarrunner sounds I've grown rather
>>>>fond of), now no sound in Firefox.
>>>>If I turn off "Enable sound server startup" & reboot I get sounds back
>>>>in Firefox (but if I open firefox first & it plays sound & then I turn
>>>>on "Enable sound server startup", I get no system sounds 'til I reboot).
>>>>Seems whoever grabs the sound card first won't share :(
>>>>This is probably something incredibly easy to fix- but I've only had one
>>>>cup of coffee this morning.

I have the exact same problem. Are you saying that gnome-audio package 
is not installed by default in Ubuntu?


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