How do you automatically mount a Samba share?

Colin Yates colin.yates at
Wed Sep 22 15:28:14 UTC 2004

Unfortunately XFM is completely written from scratch by Xandros.

You can do something similiar in Gnome by selecting Computer -> Networks
-> Go, and entering in smb://server/share.

However, this is not mapped to a particular directory.  If you want to
map to a directory you can do "smbmount" through a console.

Do google smbmount and it will give you all the info you need ;)



On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 11:17 -0400, Shawn Milo wrote:

> I see no way to mount a network share.
> I have a server running Slackware and Samba. I found the "Windows
> Network" option under Gnome, and double-clicked it, and got nothing.
> I expect to see my workgroup name.
> How can this be made to work? I want to map //fileserver/divx to
> /home/shawn/divx, and so on. I do not want to do it in fstab, because
> I will not hard-code a password there. Is this feature fully implemented
> somewhere in Ubuntu as it is in Xandros? The Xandros File Manager (XFM)
> has a "Mount Network Share" in the "Tools" menu, and everything is
> point-and-click.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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