Plugins for watching DVD, SVCD, VCD, Divx, Xvid with totem-xine?

Peter Simpson ubuntu at
Wed Sep 22 09:40:12 UTC 2004

Although, I "past performance is no indication of future expectations", I have 
always used the Marillat repositories for all the Media stuff.

Recently they moved but the relevant sources.list entry is:

deb testing main

If you "apt-get update" after inserting this, then everything you may need for 
any media format is available.

Someone please shout if there are any known problems with this.


On Wednesday 22 Sep 2004 02:04, John wrote:
> Markus Kolb wrote:
> > On 22.09.2004 01:47, John schrieb:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> I've gone off because I don't see that it's properly
> >> controlled.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> Some time in the future the owner decides to plop Gnome, growisofs
> >> and/other stuff in there.
> >
> > You are right. Additional it is very unsafe to install packages from
> > unknown. If you don't check the content. It could be done everything
> > with your system.
> > I think it will only need time that there are packages with backdoors
> > and stuff like this in the repositories.
> Well, it has happened with several official sites; there was a mirror in
> .nl some years ago. sendmail and Debian sites have been breached.
> Iven if you _know_ you got that Zmailer package from me, you don't know
> what I did to it:-)
> > I have found here many
> > packed archives with a lot of codecs.
> Here's another site for us all to blindly trust:-)
> I've not yet been hit with a Trojan Horse (that I've noriced), but I do
> know the risk exists, that I've been lucky, and I do still take the risk.
> Presumably, if anyone significant in the OS movement springs a leak they
> will either fess up to it quickly (as Sendmail and Debian did) or be
> sprung by someone who notices. Mostly, OS companies depend on good will,
> and papering over mistakes does not promote good will. If, say, Red Hat
> offends, there's are comanies such as Progeny ready to take a slice of
> its business: anyone can offer the same software, and many do. Built
> from RH source, no less.

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