Ubuntu Drive Visible to OS X?

Fábio Mendes niels_bohr at uol.com.br
Tue Sep 21 05:45:49 UTC 2004

> Here's my frustration. I realize many computer elites are attracted to
> Linux because it requires them to tinker a lot, and it is _extremely_
> customizable. However, this is the exact reason it has been declared not
> ready for "the desktop." (Whether it truly is or not is a different
> debate.) I believe Ubuntu is a _gigantic_ step in the right direction.
> It is hands down the easiest Linux I've ever attempted.

I think we all are contaminated by this feeling! Ubuntu is going to be
the next Good Thing in linux, but for now it's still a distro in
development and we're all brave beta testers here, so you should expect
some trouble. When I said you could compile the kernel modules I was not
saying that the final release should work this way. Of course it
shouldn't! But if you feel brave, you should try it! Once you get the
hangs it's easy and you learn a lot in the process, which is the most
important thing. 

> I don't want anyone to go out and do my work for me in getting something
> to work that I would like to work. But I have never dealt with a kernel
> module, kernel package, apt-get, kernel sources, /boot/config file,
> kernel-src/.config, adding modules I want, or compiling a custom kernel.
>   I am interested in learning how to get a system running, but I'm not
> interested in acquiring a minor in computer engineering to do it.

That was so mac-ish :)... We all expect our systems to work out of the
box, so I hope the default ubuntu kernel get all the modules you need
and the installer makes a nice config for all partitions. But again,
even that Ubuntu is already very nice, it still beta quality (for what
it stands for) and the 1st release wasn't made.

> I can read a response like I got for this question (and I do appreciate
> Fabio taking the time to help out a newbie) and say, "Oh well, I'll just
> live without that feature." But, there may be other potential users who
> are really ready to give Linux a try, have heard Ubuntu is _the_ way to
> go for user friendliness, and when they hear what may be required to get
> a feature working ("compiling a custom kernel"), they just say, "Oh
> well, forget all that Linux stuff, I'm going back to Windows."

We hope this don't happens once Ubuntu is released! And we can convert
some mac users as well... :). But don't be frightened! I don't have a
mac, so I was just pointing to a general solution to your problem. It's
probably easier, but I don't know if those modules are already compiled.

> I've said all of this just to get across if the "community" really has
> as a goal to "jsut work" and be a free alternative OS for the average
> user, assumpitons about the average Ubuntu user like "You should know
> how to compile a custom kernel" may need to be abandoned. There are
> millions and millions of Windows and Mac users (some rather intelligent
> and technologically sophisticated) that have neither the knowledge or
> desire to compile a custom kernel. My entire point being, if Ubuntu is
> going to appeal to a large "general population" user base, some classic
> assumptions about the Linux user need to change.

I totally agree. We don't want people NEEDING to compile their kernels
and hand editing config files to get work done. For that we already have

> End of frustration. :-) And again, I truly appreciate everyones
> help--even when it's over my head.

Don't worry! Be happy! :)

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