x configuration

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto fabbione at fabbione.net
Tue Sep 21 04:40:08 UTC 2004

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Fábio Mendes wrote:

> > > Of course! here it goes (it's the standart configuration for most
> > > brazillian keyboards:
> > >
> > > Section "InputDevice"
> > >         Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
> > >         Driver          "keyboard"
> > >         Option          "CoreKeyboard"
> > >         Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
> > >         Option          "XkbModel"      "abnt2"
> > >         Option          "XkbLayout"     "br"
> > >         Option          "XkbVariant"    "abnt2"
> > > EndSection
> >
> > And what is your LANG??
> >
> > echo $LANG
> >
> The LANG variable is not set as I use english (C/POSIX) as the default
> language for my desktop, but the keyboard layout is brazillian and IMHO
> the X configuration should match the keyboard map for console not the
> default language. The default locale for brazillian portuguese
> (from /etc/locale.gen) is pt_BR ISO-8859-1.

I checked again the code and the pt_BR would set the keyboard layout br
but not the Model and Variant. Can you confirm that these values are
mandatory for brasilian keyboards? all of them?

> -Fabio
> PS.: Fabio, I like your name ;)

ehhe :-))))

<user> fajita: step one
<fajita> Whatever the problem, step one is always to look in the error log.
<user> fajita: step two
<fajita> When in danger or in doubt, step two is to scream and shout.

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