Ubuntu Preview

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Mon Sep 20 07:50:26 UTC 2004

On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 03:39:01PM +0800, John wrote:

> Colin Watson wrote:
> >They're needed for the Debian/Ubuntu packaging of all bootloaders, which
> >all rely on the symlinks so that kernel upgrades don't have to run
> >around editing bootloader configuration files, which is flaky and risky.
> They are not used in grub, even in Ubuntu.  The only reference to a 
> possible symlink in grub is in the comments.

It looks for the same links in /boot (where they will be placed if you set
link_in_boot = yes in kernel-img.conf).  It is arguably a bug that it does
not look for them in /, where they are kept by default, though I prefer to
have them in /boot anyway.

> I can't find where it's configured on Sarge so I assume it's default
> behaviour now.


 - mdz

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