scanner configuration

Sam Folk-Williams sam.folkwilliams at
Sat Sep 18 17:37:03 UTC 2004

OK... I got sane-find-scanner working (had to install sane-utils,
ooops). Now here is what I get:
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x0110 [EPSON
Scanner]) at libusb:001:005
But when I try a scanimage -L it says no scanners found... Where is
the actual device located? I can't find it in /dev.



On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 11:10:55 -0500, Sam Folk-Williams
<sam.folkwilliams at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an Epson Perfection 1650 scanner, which has great linux
> support. I had it working under FC2 no problem. Being new to debian,
> I'm having some trouble figuring out where info about the scanner is
> found. Xsane does not find the scanner as it is. The file
> /dev/usb/scanner0 does not exist (as it does in Red Hat). In Red Hat,
> I would make that file executable to all users, and then it pretty
> much worked. I've tried doing sane-find-scanner but it says that's an
> unknown command. Sane is installed -- not sure why sane-find-scanner
> is not available. Any insight would be great.
> Thanks,
> Sam

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